Wednesday, June 11, 2014

"The Culling" by J.C. Andrijeski (3 Stars)

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The Culling
Alien Apocalypse #1 (aka The Slave Girl Chronicles)
by J.C. Andrijeski

Genre: Dystopian Sci-fi

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I received this novella from NetGALLEY in exchange for my honest review, and while I enjoyed the atmosphere, I did have some issues with repetitive word use (a pet peeve of mine), such as 'anyway, 'hard' and 'chuckled'. That will seem like a small thing to some readers, but it is something that gets under my skin. There are so many wonderful words out there to describe the same thing and has a free thesaurus.

As I mentioned, the atmosphere is well plotted and visually engaging with some strong details you sometimes see forgotten in a dystopian setting. I particularly liked the toxic water/fish, poisonous meat situation.

In this short book, Jet is a 'skag', a human survivor living outside the alien occupied Green Zone. She and her friend Anaze, are abducted for the purpose of serving the alien Nirreth, bi-pedal lizardy beings with venomous barbs at the end of their tails. Kept as pets, sex-slaves (what?!), and fighters for their coliseum-style games, Jet has to wonder what her fate will be.

I found this to be an intriguing idea with enormous potential. Even though I did find some faults with the story, it was overall enjoyable and I definitely want to read the next book in this series!

Check it out at GOODREADS | AMAZON | NetGALLEY
The author's WEBSITE!

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