Tuesday, February 18, 2014

"Project Lullaby" by T.L. Onyx (4 Stars)

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Project Lullaby
#1 - The Project Lullaby series
by T.L. Onyx

Genre: Horror

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Project Lullaby is a top secret program involving the use of various torture and conditioning techniques on children in an attempt to find the perfect method for creating a flawless, emotionless assassin. Under the umbrella organization, the Left Group, Project Lullaby was both a success and a failure; they succeeded in creating killers but they ultimately lost control in a karmic bloodbath kind of way.

We follow two escapees from the program -the only two left- as they walk very different paths on the road to life after the project. One woman is filled with a need for justice and revenge, the other is just trying to live a normal life. Both are killers and both are survivors. And eventually their paths are going to have to cross.

I received a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review and was very pleasantly surprised by the intricacies weaved in this tale. It was an emotional, human story and I don't want to say too much about the journey because any detail could really ruin the trip, but I will say that my favorite character turned out to be a little girl named Chloe.

If I've intrigued you with my little snippet, and I hope that I have, please check out Project Lullaby at Goodreads and then hurry on over to amazon to pick it up for your own reading pleasure.

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